W.Ch.Forest Black Wolf

of Conan


17.03.2011    MCO ns 22

Gr.Int.Ch.Lucky Coon Pirat


12.01.2009   MCO n 22

Ch.Avtoritet Best Country Gulliver*s

  MCO ns 22

Gr.Int.Ch.Arctic Black of Perfect Cat MCO ns 09

Int.Ch.Berta  Best Tigrinyi Duh  

  MCO n 22

Ch.Lucky Coon Umka

 MCO n 22


Gr.Int.Ch.Conan Artcoon*RU

MCO ns 22

Int.Ch.Magic Tale Lucky Siver Gerl

MCO ns 23

UfaCoon*s Olimpia


19.12.2009    MCO as 22

Cool Motion*s Ritey

012  MCO ns 22

Pillowtalk*s Dandy       

MCO e 22

Auree Manors Lullaby

MCO ns

UfaCoon*s Eclat


MCO as 22

W.Ch.Cool Motion*s Quiet-Man

MCO ns 22

Eur.Ch.Love Hulen*s Nirvana

MCO a 22

Diversiya Admiral


29.04.2012    MCO ns 22

Gr.Eur.Ch.Simbad Morekhod

Krasnyi Dar*RU


       MCO ns 22

Int.Ch.It*s Wildcat Ken Koon*UA


MCO n 22

Gr.Int.Ch.DK*Never Mind*s The Show Must Go On

MCO n 22


Ch.DK*Love Hulen*s Kiss Me Baby

MCO n 22

Coolmotion*s Xenia


MCO fs 09

Kilimandscharo of Baydar

MCO ds 22 09

Coolmation*s Nikita

MCO ns 22

Puma Long Meadow*RU


      MCO n 22

Brandy Baliazur Sudjuk Kale*RU


MCO n 22

Ch.Agent 007 Krasnyi Dar*RU

MCO n 24 09

Top Coon Malena

MCO g 22

Helavisa Long Meadow*RU


MCO n 22

Ch. Coolmotion*s Amarango


Ch.RussiMistic Charliss Wayn

MCO n 22

(Wind Melody - питомник мейн кунов в Кургане)